Visiting wellness centers has been one of my favorite wellbeing & selfcare practices in life. Yet, one of my spa days resulted in more health and wellbeing changes I could have seen coming. It was the beginning of breaking a cycle and reprogramming my subconscious mind.
The provocative
I have low blood pressure causing fainting. I fell with the back of my head on nature stone tiles, with a traumatic brain injury and whiplash as result. That sounds disproportionate for a minor faint, but there can be cumulative effects of repetitive mild traumatic brain injury.
Something cracked open that day. Luckily it that wasn’t my skull. But an opening to expand and explore life and to go beyond the unknown.
1. Breaking free
Often in life, we are more driven by subconscious programming than we think. It did take me months of forced social isolation to acknowledge and break with that. Or at least starting to experience moments where I’m aware of the conditioning and not letting it control behaviour and decisions.
Question: Have you ever considered the effect of your environment on your subconscious mind?
2. More perspectives in life
I feel blessed to have met so many new people during the past years. These encounters and connections helped me to expand and look beyond what I thought was possible. There is both playfulness and surrender in embracing that.
Tip: how often do you break out of your social circle of comfort? Do you ever go to an event by yourself? Ask to have a coffee with a person you’ve never met? Stay curious and you will be surprised what gains you could get out of that.
One of the ’tools’ that assisted me in achieving that was psychedelics.
With just a few hands full of psychedelic trips and exploration. I’m staying humble, and do not consider myself an experienced psychonaut. Yet I’ve opened myself up. Exploring the unknown and inviting it to become part of my life and function as a medicine for the heart and soul.
3. Get known within the unknown
The moment I started getting more comfortable with not knowing. We are not in control of life – the only thing we can control is our actions and reactions. When we embrace this concept, we take back our power to shape our existence and reprogram our minds.
Sounds good right? But how do you train or practice that?
1. Figure out what kinds of feelings may be leading you to act in a controlling manner. Learning to pinpoint what feelings are tied to your controlling behavior will provide insight into your emotions.
2. When things don’t go according to plan, considering the positives or what you are grateful for may help you shift away from only seeing it negatively.
3. People tend to not only overschedule, but to plan everything down to the minute you don’t hold space for pleasant surprises and. Once you start to see and feel how creating space for the unexpected can bring you in new interesting situations. You start to love the impact it can have.
4. Rewrite your story
We are not our stories. How we perceive what happened can be rewritten. New chapters can be written and endings changed. Read my story here, the one in my life I am currently rewriting. That sounds good on paper right? But how do you actually start creating those shifts?
Visualisation can help with that
Start like this: What does your perfect day look like? How do you want your presentation to go? What does your ideal date look like? Pick something you are committed to making a reality and spend 10-15 minutes each day visualizing it as if it has already happened. Your subconscious mind will absorb the feelings in your images as if they were real, giving you the inner confidence you need to make them come true.
My personal result in life? New seeds were planted and from there on things started growing. Trust me it’s not that there are no more weeds growing, I simply became better at identifying them. Some I know by name. And I see what conditions make them grow back again. It takes maintenance, attention, compassion and love to keep a florising garden. It’s worth the commitment and dedication.
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